Saturday, October 25, 2014

Book of Mormon Warning For Our Day - 61 points about Secret Combinations:

Book of Mormon Warning For Our Day -
61 points about Secret Combinations:

1.Secret combinations existed in times of old (2 Nephi 26:22)

2.They have secret oaths, covenants, agreements, signs, wonders, and plans (Alma 37:27,32) 

3.Alma commanded his son not to reveal their secret oaths and covenants to the general public (Alma 37:27)

4.They murdered the prophets (Alma 37:30)

5.The object of all those who belonged to the secret society was to murder, rob, and gain power (Helaman 2:8)

6.They were established in the more settled part of the land (Helaman 3:23)

7.Those at the head of the government for a time did not know they existed (Helaman 3:23)

8.Many were baptized into the church while the secret society was being established (Helaman 3:24) 43 BC

9.After the people had been blessed so long with riches and were not engaged in wars, the people started to set their hearts on riches, so they began to murder and steal as part of a secret combination (Helaman 6:17)

10.They murdered chief judges (Helaman 6:19)

11.When the Lamanites found out that there were secret combinations among them, they tried to destroy them out of their midst (Helaman 6:20)

12.The Nephites united with the secret combination (Helaman 6:21) 25 BC

13.The members of the secret combination covenanted with each other that they would protect and help each other, and not let each other be brought to punishment (Helaman 6:12)

14.They had secret signs and words to identity each other (Helaman 6:22)

15.They covenanted with each other that they should not do wickedness to each other (Helaman 6:22)

16.They would punish any member of the secret combination that would reveal their wickedness (Helaman 6:24)

17.Gadianton had the same oaths and covenants in his secret combination that existed in the secret combinations of the Jaredites, yet Gadianton did not get those oaths and covenants from the plates, but from the devil (Helaman 6:26)

18.The Lamanites destroyed the secret combination from among them by teaching the word of God to them (Helaman 6:37)

19.The Nephites built them up (Helaman 6:38)

20.The secret combination among the Nephites started with the more wicked people, but eventually spread over the whole land. (Helaman 6:38)

21.The more part of the righteous of the Nephites to believe in their works and to partake of their spoils and join with them in murders (Helaman 6:38) 24 BC

22.The secret combination did obtain sole management of the government (Helaman 6:39)

23.Once in power, they began to abuse the poor and humble followers of God (Helaman 6:39)

24.Nephi asked the Lord to send a famine to get the people to repent of supporting the secret combination and performing wicked deeds. Many died, and they began to repent. (Helaman 11:4)

25.The Nephites swept the secret combination out from among them, and the famine ended (Helaman 11:10)

26.Nephite dissenters searched for the plans of Gadianton (Helaman 11:26)

27.They hid in the mountains (Helaman 11:31)

28.At first the Nephites started to repent, but then the just grew more wicked (Helaman 11:37)

29.Many dissenters of the Nephites joined the secret combination, and many of the children were flattered into joining them (3 Nephi 1:28-29)

30.The Nephites continued to fight the secret combination, even though the Nephites remained wicked (3 Nephi 2:10)

31.The leader of the secret combination invited the leader of the Nephites to become equal brothers with them in the secret combination, and equal in all their possessions (3 Nephi 3:7)

32.The leader of the secret combination declared his society and its works to be good and of an ancient date and that it has been handed down to them (3 Nephi 9)

33.The leader of the secret combination accused the Nephites of having retained the rights of government from the people (3 Nephi 3:10)

34.The leader of the secret combination demanded that the Nephites yield all their possession to them (3 Nephi 3:10)

35.The Nephites defeated the secret combination and attributed their victory to their humility and repentance (3 Nephi 4:33)

36.The Nephites put an end to the secret combination (3 Nephi 5:6)

37.Judge secretly were putting to death those that were testifying to the people about their wickedness. Only the chief judge was legally allowed to put someone to death (3 Nephi 6:23)

38.The judge formed a secret combination among themselves to avoid punishment from their crimes, using the same covenants of previous secret combination (3 Nephi 6:28)

39.This new secret combination sought to kill the people of god, kill the chief judge, and establish a king (2 Nephi 6:30)

40.They murdered the chief judge and the Nephites split into tribes (3 Nephi 7:2)

41.They caused a great contention in the land so that almost all the righteous had become wicked (3 Nephi 7:7)

42.They put a man over them as their king (3 Nephi 7:10)

43.After Christ came and the the Nephites and Lamanites were righteous for many years, they began again to build up a secret combinations (4 Nephi 1:42)

44.The Book of Mormon will be brought forth in a day when the blood of saints shall cry unto the Lord, because of secret combinations (Mormon 8:27)

45.The Jaredites brought with them a record of secret combinations (Ether 8:9)

46.The daughter of a Jaredite king used an ancient account of a secret combination obtaining a kingdom and great glory as a model for a plan to get her own father's kingdom back (Ether 8:9,18)

47.Moroni purposefully did not write the oaths of the secret combinations because they are already had among all people (Ether 8:20)

48.Secret combinations have caused the destruction of the Nephites (Ether 8:21)

49.Whatsoever nation that upholds secret combinations shall be destroyed (Ether 8:22)

50.Moroni wrote about the secret combinations for the benefit of the Gentiles, so that they could repent and not be overpowered by the secret combinations (Ether 8:23)

51.The Lords commands that when we see secret combinations come among us that we should awake to a sense of our awful situation (Ether 8:24)

52.Those who build up secret combinations seek to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and all people (Ether 8:25)

53.The kingdom of Omer was overthrown because of secret combinations (Ether 9:1)

54.The hearts of all the Jaredites had become corrupt because of the secret combinations (Ether 9:6)

55.The son of a king sought after secret plans of old to dethrone his father (Ether 9:26)

56.A secret combination cause the people to rebel against the king and the kingdom was split (Ether 11:15)

57.The Lord decreed that another people would possess the land because of the wickedness of the people and the secret combinations (Ether

58.Mighty men rose up and tried to use their secret combination to destroy the king (Ether 13:15)

59.The secret combination killed many people in their effort to obtain the kingdom from the king (Ether 13:18)

60.A king received great strength because of secret combinations (Ether 14:8)

61.A king's high priest murdered his king, and then that high priest was murdered by a member of that secret combinations (Ether 8:9-10)


They had secret signs and words to identity each other (Helaman 6:22) 
The secret combination did obtain sole management of the government (Helaman 6:39) 

Whatsoever nation that upholds secret combinations shall be destroyed (Ether 8:22) 

Lord’s Church is Overthrown ONLY by the Transgression of my people: 

"For the Lord hath said: This is my church, and I will establish it; and nothing shall overthrow it, save it is the *transgression of my people." 

(MOSIAH 27:13)

*Transgression = Sin - Sin = Apostasy, Blasphemy, Disobedience, Iniquity, Pollute, Trespass, Abomination, Bondage, Carnal Mind, Corruption, Natural man, Err, Wickedness etc… 
(LDS Topical Guide, Index & Webster’s Dictionary)

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