Thursday, August 13, 2015

Most CHRISTIANS Do Not Believe in the Devil...


Most CHRISTIANS Do Not Believe in the Devil.
You read that right. George Barna reports that nearly 60% of all American Christians do NOT believe the Devil is real.
No wonder evil is kicking our tails here in America.
How can you engage and defeat an enemy that you don’t even acknowledge exists?
When did so many Americans become atheistic in regards to the Devil?
How is it possible to believe in the God of the Bible but not believe in the Devil of the Bible?...
The Devil, Satan, is real. Most people don’t believe that. Today most Americans believe that evil is something that happens only to individuals and usually perpetrated by some “deranged” person. But, for the most part, Americans no longer believe in evil as a force, driven by the king of the real “evil” empire. We are blind to the “invisible world” that surrounds this natural world…the spirit world where angels and demons actually do battle. Where demonic forces attack and counterfeit everything good….The demons influence the mind which results in poor decision making. That is why today we are calling good evil and evil good.
The Devil has bigger issues on his plate than just the lives of people—he wants control of the world. If he can control the world he will also gain control of the individual. Look around. Can’t you see how evil is flourishing in this nation? Have you noticed how hard they fight to keep the truth in the closet?
Our leaders are evil, folks. We have placed into office men who have yielded to the influence of the Prince of the Power of the Air. They have seized our government and are doing Satan’s bidding. Freedom is disappearing. The Spirit of the Lord brings freedom. The spirit of the Evil One brings bondage. Which spirit is ruling over America today? The Devil only has one weapon in his arsenal and that is deception. He is known as the “father of lies” and his “children” are trained in the same techniques. The only effective response to deception is truth. Fighting lies with lies will never lead us to the Truth.
Jesus is THE TRUTH, and the Scriptures teach us that only the Truth can make us free. The Devil is a liar. He doesn’t just tell lies; he is the Father of them. The only thing that can destroy a lie is Truth.
Sometimes it is not what we believe that matters but what we don’t believe. The Devil has convinced us that he doesn’t exist and has told us that there is no Truth.
That, my friends, is the greatest deception of all.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin once again asked the same question I have been asking for the past 10 years – “Where are the pastors”? The answer is actually very simple – they are in one of two places. Either hiding behind the curtain of a 501(C)3 or they are false prophets. Either way, they should not be called pastors in that they are not pastoring their flock’s, they are leading their “sheeple” to a fiery end. There is no excuse for those hiding behind the 501(C)3 as they are weak and don’t have the backbone to explain to their church boards how strong the chains of that exemption are and that it is binding them to a passive existence which is not answering God’s call.
The bible has warned that, in the Last Days, the professing Christian church would be cold and dead with Jesus Himself being thrust outside and knocking on the door to get back in. Revelation 3:4-18.
…I believe that now is that time that God, from the beginning of the Old Testament to the end of the New Testament, has warned us would come one day. God tells us to be a "watchman on the wall", blow the trumpet and warn the people that the time of God's Judgment is upon us. My trumpet is my hands, the computer keys and my mouth. What is yours?