Monday, January 29, 2018

Joseph Smith Killed by his 1st Counselor ...

Joseph Smith Killed by his 1st Counselor... 

Joseph Smith’s murder
Salt Lake Tribune -- 6-27-2014
Smith in the state court at Carthage, and Smith was arrested. He gave himself up amid promises by then-Illinois Gov. Thomas Ford that he would be safe. "It was kind of a biblical story," Beam says, "with people begging him not to go."…Newspaper writers often used "cut-throat language," he the writer, who is not Mormon, says in an interview…"Here’s a guy who believed in the American Constitution and the country’s institutions like courts," Beam says. "And here’s a country that’s always talking about the freedom of religion. Yet he was essentially killed for talking about his religion."
And Smith was not just gunned down by a mob of hooligans, Beam says. His murderers included "a prominent newspaper editor, a state senator, a justice of the peace, two regimental military commanders, and men who just a few months before were faithful members of Joseph’s church...‘respectable set of men.’ " …Several former Mormons, including William and Wilson Law, published an edition of the Nauvoo Expositor, detailing Smith’s secret polygamous relationships – including allegations that he had approached William Law’s wife and some teenage girls.
Smith was outraged by the paper and ordered the press the Laws had purchased to be destroyed, and the order was carried out. The Laws filed a claim against says, and described Mormons as "an unscrupulous, schismatic religious people."
An armed mob was just one of the "critical weapons" at the opponents’ disposal, Bushman says.

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