Saturday, December 28, 2019

When did America Become Babylon USA -- Timeline ... O Babylon, we bid thee Farewell ...

USA - O Babylon, we bid thee farewell...

Utah's Secret Combinations

All States With An Income Tax Is A Slave State

A slave is a person who does not own his own labor. His labor is owned by another. On 19th century plantations about half of a slave’ output was used to feed, clothe, and house him. In other words, the slave was taxed at 50%. The other half was return on the capital the owner had invested in the slave.

In medieval times, serfs were less productive than slaves in the 19th century. Historians I read decades ago concluded that the productivity of labor was so low in medieval times that if more than 30% of a serf’s labor was claimed by lords, the serfs could not reproduce and would revolt.

Why the IRS may be knocking on your door during tax season this year
NEW YORK - Taxpayers who make six-figure salaries and have a history of filing late returns could get a visitor this filing season.  The IRS is stepping up unannounced house calls to those people to remind them to file their taxes on time. The agency says payment plans can be arranged for taxpayers who cannot pay the total bill to Uncle Sam.
The IRS also reminds people that they need to file on time, even if they can’t pay. 
The agency is stepping up face-to-face visits after hiring more revenue officers. The IRS has come up with a tip sheet so you know it's really the IRS knocking on your door.  It says the agency will never demand immediate payment or demand that you pay taxes without the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe.

IRS - NO 4th Amendment?
 The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


VIDEO: CNN Don Lemon Says Jesus Christ Was ‘Black’ And ‘Looked More Like A Muslim’

Mar 15, 2021 -- CNN anchor Don Lemon used an appearance on ABC’s “The View” to spread the fringe conspiracy theory that Jesus of Nazareth was a “black or brown person” who “looked more like a Muslim,” and railed against a nonexistent image of the Christian holy figure as a “white hippie from Sweden.”

“We should start with that and put that in your home, either a black Jesus or brown Jesus,” Lemon continued. “Jesus looked more like a Muslim or someone who is dark, rather than a blonde-looking carpenter,” Lemon said.