Saturday, May 14, 2011

Interfaith: LDS Church Recommends Holding Membership in Two Churches

LDS Church Recommends Holding Membership in Two Churches


Building a World of Harmony
Host Location:  The SLC Tabernacle Headquarters The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Event Description
The Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable presents their annual Interfaith Musical Tribute. Performances include: Musical performers from Mainland China, Presbyterian SL Scots, Buddhist & Hindu Dancers, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Greek Orthodox, Baha’i, Sikh, Latter-Day Saint, Protestant and others including an Interfaith Choir. Many Faiths – One Family. Open to all ages.,8197,726-1-684,00.html

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints : "Many Faiths One Family."
A feeling of unity swept over those gathered on Temple Square in celebration of interfaith relationships in Salt Lake City Sunday, 20 February. Utah Governor Gary Herbert proclaimed February “Interfaith Month.”
Presiding Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints H. David Burton echoed the theme, “Many Faiths One Family,” as he greeted the thousands of people in the historic Tabernacle during the culminating event of interfaith month.


                   “No man can serve two masters” Matthew 6:24

You can be a LDS Stake President and have membership in another church I.e. Muslim, Witchcraft, Buddha etc…

LDS Church Handbook of Instructions
Book 1
Stake Presidencies and Bishoprics

Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah. Page 95 - Subject: “Apostasy”
“Total inactivity in the Church or attending or  Holding Membership in

Another Church does Not constitute Apostasy.”
(Scroll down to 309 on PDF link below)

You Cannot Hold Membership in Two Churches:

“There are Only Two Churches”

In 1 Nephi 14:10 we read this passage in the Book of Mormon.

“And he said unto me:
Behold there are save two churches only;
the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and
the other is the church of the devil;
wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God
belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations;
and she is the whore of all the earth.”
1 Nephi 14:10

Interfaith N.W.O.
U.S. Roman Catholic Church And Protestant Denominations Agree To Recognize Each Other's Baptisms
01/29/2013 - In a monumental occasion for ecumenical relations, the U.S. Roman Catholic church and a group of Protestant denominations plan to sign a document on Tuesday evening to formally agree to recognize each other's baptisms….Currently, the Protestant churches recognize Roman Catholic baptisms, but the Catholic church does not always recognize theirs.

CNY Faiths Converge at Interfaith Assembly in Liverpool
February 09, 2014 - 
A cross section of faiths and nations joined as one, at the fourth annual World Interfaith Harmony Assembly, held this year at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Bear Road in Liverpool. Nearly 400 people attended with fourteen faiths either performing or speaking at the event. The gathering was presented by Interfaith Works of CNY and Women Transcending Boundaries. Before the start of the assembly new arrivals were directed to leave a painted imprint of their hand on a banner that was slated to be sent to the United Nations
The history of the World Interfaith Harmony dates back to 2007 when The Common Word Initiative called for Muslim and Christian leaders to engage in dialogue around two common fundamental religious commandments: Love of God and Love of Thy Neighbor. On October 20 2010 the United Nations General Assembly unanimously established the World Interfaith Harmony Wee

Salt Lake City First U.S. city to host Parliament of World Religions
Brigham Young University - October 24, 2014
The Beehive State will welcome the world’s largest and most historic interfaith gathering to Salt Lake City in 2015.
This is the first time in 22 years the Parliament of the Word’s Religions has voted to hold its conference in the United States.
“America is the home base of the interfaith movement, and it’s about time the Parliament come back home,” Parliament Chair Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid said in an announcement.
Reid Neilson, managing director of the LDS Church’s Historian Department, wrote his doctoral dissertation on the Parliament. Neilson pointed out the significance of the Parliament’s choice of
 Salt Lake City, the global center for the Church.
“This says the Church is being taken seriously,” Neilson said. “We are a global face and should be included in any major global conversation.”
Salt Lake City will host religious and spiritual leaders from around the globe at the Salt Lake Palace Convention Center Oct. 15–19,  2015….The conference will engage international religious representatives as well as the local faiths in the Salt Lake Area, including those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “We feel that there is an extraordinary openness and desire on the part of the LDS Church to be a part of the multi-religious movement,” Mujahid said in a recent press conference.

                                                    the Truth...

 Joseph Smith: "I will not to seek to compel any man to believe as I do, only by the FORCE of REASONING, for the TRUTH will cut it's own way." (Joseph Smith, TPJS page 313)