Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Church is True! - Which Church? ... Moses Delivered Israel from Taxes = Bondage!


1 - Born in Bondage

2 - Christ Set Us Free

3- False Brethren Take Away Christ Liberty


1- Do you sit silently in your church while apostasy runs rampant merely because your family has been members there for generations?

2- Do you sit in an apostate denomination because you were 
baptized there?

3- Do you attend a church, despite the doctrine, because you 
enjoy the “worship,” or they have a “great youth group,” or “so many of your friends” attend as well?

4- Do you sit silently in the pew as the leadership takes the 
congregation farther and farther from the truth because you don’t want to make waves?

What did Joseph Smith say about Following the Prophet?  that they (Church Members) were Depending on the prophet, hence were Darkened in their minds.”
(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith Page 237-38.)

Jesus Christ is the GREATEST Patriot Tax Protester that ever walked the earth…




“Nothing is a greater injury to the children of men than to be under the influence of a false spirit when they think they have the Spirit of God.” Joseph Smith (TPJS p.205)



Brigham Young:   "And if He (The LORD) should suffer him (Joseph Smith) to lead the people astray, it would be because they ought to be led astray. If He should suffer them to be chastised, and some of them destroyed, it would be because they deserved it."
President Brigham Young J.D. 4:297-298)