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Fear of God:
- Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield: Gen. 15:1 .
- Surely the fear of God is not in this place: Gen. 20:11 .
- now I know that thou fearest God: Gen. 22:12 .
- This do, and live; for I fear God: Gen. 42:18 .
- midwives feared God: Ex. 1:17 .
- He that feared the word of the Lord: Ex. 9:20 .
- shalt provide … able men, such as fear God: Ex. 18:21 .
- hear my words, that they may learn to fear me: Deut. 4:10 .
- Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God: Deut. 6:13 . ( Josh. 24:14 ; 1 Sam. 12:24 . )
- fear the Lord … for our good always: Deut. 6:24 .
- God require of thee, but to fear the Lord: Deut. 10:12 . ( Micah 6:8 . )
- all Israel shall hear, and fear: Deut. 13:11 . ( Deut. 21:21 . )
- ruling in the fear of God: 2 Sam. 23:3 .
- one that feared God, and eschewed evil: Job 1:1 .
- Serve the Lord with fear: Ps. 2:11 .
- fear of the Lord is clean: Ps. 19:9 .
- secret of the Lord is with them that fear him: Ps. 25:14 .
- eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him: Ps. 33:18 .
- no fear of God before his eyes: Ps. 36:1 . ( Rom. 3:18 . )
- Come and hear, all ye that fear God: Ps. 66:16 .
- fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: Ps. 111:10 . ( Prov. 1:7 ; Prov. 9:10 . )
- Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord: Ps. 112:1 .
- Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: Ps. 115:11 .
- Lord is on my side; I will not fear: Ps. 118:6 . ( Heb. 13:6 . )
- Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord: Prov. 2:5 .
- fear the Lord, and depart from evil: Prov. 3:7 . ( Prov. 16:6 . )
- fear of the Lord is to hate evil: Prov. 8:13 .
- In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: Prov. 14:26 .
- Better is little with the fear of the Lord: Prov. 15:16 .
- fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom: Prov. 15:33 .
- fear of the Lord tendeth to life: Prov. 19:23 .
- By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches: Prov. 22:4 .
- My son, fear thou the Lord: Prov. 24:21 .
- woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised: Prov. 31:30 .
- God doeth it, that men should fear before him: Eccl. 3:14 .
- fear thou God: Eccl. 5:7 . ( 1 Pet. 2:17 . )
- it shall be well with them that fear God: Eccl. 8:12 .
- Fear God, and keep his commandments: Eccl. 12:13 .
- shall go … into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord: Isa. 2:19 .
- let him be your fear: Isa. 8:13 .
- their fear toward me is taught by the precept: Isa. 29:13 .
- So shall they fear the name of the Lord: Isa. 59:19 .
- they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: Mal. 3:16 .
- fell on their face, and were sore afraid: Matt. 17:6 .
- mercy is on them that fear him: Luke 1:50 .
- Dost not thou fear God: Luke 23:40 .
- edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord: Acts 9:31 .
- he that feareth him … is accepted: Acts 10:35 .
- ye that fear God, give audience: Acts 13:16 .
- work out your own salvation with fear: Philip. 2:12 . ( Morm. 9:27 . )
- in singleness of heart, fearing God: Col. 3:22 .
- serve God … with reverence and godly fear: Heb. 12:28 .
- Fear God, and give glory to him: Rev. 14:7 . ( D&C 88:104 . )
- fear of the Lord had come upon them: Mosiah 4:1 .
- Nephites … did fear their God: 3 Ne. 4:10 .
- brother of Jared fell down … struck with fear: Ether 3:6 .
- fear came on all them that heard him: Moses 6:39 .
- fear of the Lord was upon all nations: Moses 7:17 .