Sunday, October 7, 2018

LDS PRESIDENT NELSON ALL PAST LDS PRESIDENTS ARE ALL WRONG - Nicknames for faith are 'Victory for Satan'


Calling us Mormons is a 'victory for Satan', says Church leader who demands the faith be given its full name as he drops the word from the Tabernacle choir's title
DAILY MAIL - 7 October 2018
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints president Russell M. Nelson, 94, made the pronouncement on Sunday
  • He said that the faith must be called by it's full name and that's 'not negotiable'
  • Nelson said that God 'is offended' if members of the faith allow nickname usage
  • The statements came days after the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was renamed 
  • The 171-year-old choir is now named the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

those who do NOT belong to Church indulge in sorceries, Alma 1:32.
there are sorceries in land, Morm. 1:19.
sorcerer to have part in lake of fire and brimstone, D&C 63:17.
sorcerers inherit telestial glory, D&C 76:103.

Skull & Bones LDS President Russell M. Nelson From Heart to Heart, 1979 Autobiography (Page 48)