Saturday, January 4, 2014

LDS Church does NOT consider Same-Sex Attraction a SIN...(God Does) Definition of Homosexuality...The SIN of FEELINGS...

LDS does NOT consider Same-Sex attraction a SIN. (God Does)



Will someone show the LDS church the Definition of Homosexuality?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire
March 24, 2016
“Please protect us Mr. Government!! Don’t let those mean homosexuals bully us into compromising what we believe. Please put into place a law that allows us to be Christians without having to pay any price. If you don’t pass a law there is a chance that those mean old homosexuals will come and make us marry them. In fact, the may sue us and try to take away our property. Please pass a law that protects God’s property from the Devil’s kids.”
The weakness of America’s pulpits makes me want to puke.
I can’t imagine any of the Apostles of Jesus turning to Rome for protection for preaching the Gospel.
I can’t picture Jesus begging Pilate to protect Him from the Diabolous and his minions.
Daniel didn’t pray for government protection he opened the window and defied them. The three Hebrew boys didn’t appeal to the King to rescue them from the fiery furnace. They climbed head first into the fire and trusted God to deliver them.
John The Baptist manned up and went head-long after the King’s adulterous wife. He didn’t even take time to check the law books to see if his actions were a hate crime.

Arizona bill passes allowing refusal of service to gays
Associated Press-  Feb 20 2014
Bill would allow business owners to refuse service based on their religious beliefs
PHOENIX • The Arizona Legislature gave final approval Thursday to legislation that allows business owners asserting their religious beliefs to refuse service to gays and others, drawing backlash from Democrats who called the proposal "state-sanctioned discrimination" and an embarrassment.
Similar religious protection legislation has been introduced in Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma, but Arizona’s plan is the only one that has passed.
Republicans stressed that the bill is about protecting religious freedom and not discrimination. They frequently cited the case of a New Mexico photographer who was sued after refusing to take wedding pictures of a gay couple and said Arizona needs a law to protect people in the state from heavy-handed actions by courts and law enforcement.

While (sick) Utah is passing city bills to Outlaw Freedom of Religion…

Holladay bans housing, employment LGBT discrimination (WAKE-UP LDS!)
Salt Lake Tribune - Feb 20 2014
Anti-discrimination » City, in 5-1 vote, becomes 20th entity to pass law.
Holladay • The city of Holladay is now the 20th local government in Utah with an ordinance banning housing and employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
The city council passed the ordinance 5-1 Thursday night following debate on some proposed amendments to the proposal, but little discussion of the ordinance itself…Councilman Steven Gunn explained his vote in favor of the ordinance, saying as he looked into the issue of discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people he found only one alleged instance in the city. However, he voted for the measure because discrimination has occurred in other places and he would like to prevent it happening in Holladay.
"I say to our GAY community: You are welcome here," Gunn said.
Salt Lake City was the first to adopt the ordinance in 2009, with support of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (SICK)

Kansas Gov. to "Gov. Gary Herbert, You Are Wrong!"
Unlike Kansas, Herbert right to accept
Gay Marriage the Utah Way
Salt Lake Tribune -  Oct 14 2014
"Gov. Gary Herbert, You Are Wrong!"
The email called on Herbert to "do the right thing, like Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, who said NO to same-sex marriage licenses."
It’s interesting that Herbert more closely followed the advice of Mormon apostle Dallin H. Oaks, who counseled during this month’s LDS General Conference that if the faith’s stand against gay marriage does not prevail, "we should be persons of goodwill, rejecting persecution of any kind, including persecution based on race, ethnicity, religious belief or nonbelief and differences in sexual orientation."
With the high court’s announcement, which came two days after Oaks’ sermon, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued a statement accepting the decision. "As far as the civil law is concerned, the courts have spoken," it said.

Jesus in Matthew 11 “And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses.” Those wearing “soft raiment” do not, for the most part, like to get their knees scraped. Their political approach to moral problems has, in Dobson’s own words, left us “awash in evil.” Hiring “mercenaries” (Republicans), simply has not worked.
Jesus went to jail. 
Peter went to jail. 
Paul practically lived in jail.
Today’s Christian leaders go to fundraisers.
Why aren’t these Christian ‘leaders’ ALREADY in jail?
Isn’t the slaughter of 60 million babies worthy of a month or two in the slammer? Shouldn’t the indoctrination of God’s children in the sin of sodomy in America’s “public” schools be enough to warrant a trip in the paddy wagon? You would think that opposition to an out of control, tyrannical government would be enough to have them already wearing orange jump suits. WE WILL NOT OBEY! Yeah, right.

LDS Church Official Statement on Homosexuality (Must Read)

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"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8)