Friday, August 12, 2011

The APOSTASY CYCLE...The Wicked taketh the TRUTH to be HARD and the Dire Need of Valiant Men of God...


1 - Born in Bondage

2 - Christ Set Us Free

3- False Brethren Take Away Christ Liberty

Jesus Christ is the GREATEST Patriot Tax Protester that ever walked the earth…


I will NOT sit with the Church of Wicked Evil Doers...

Jesus Christ Warned that in the Last Days there would be Race Wars...



"As it is written,  

Jacob have I Loved, but  

Esau have I Hated." 

Romans 9:13

Jesus Called People Dogs, Pigs, Wolves, Serpents, Goats etc...Bible: Pricks, Thorn in my side, Bitch & Son of a Bitch. WHY?