THE BOOK OF MORMON CHAPTER 8 -- "Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing... O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Right Cannot Be Licensed, Taxed or Registered = Economic Laws of God = Kingdom of God...

LDS Fiat Notes (Paper) Currency Kirtland Money

The (LDS) Kirtland Safety Society Bank (KSS) was organized on January 2, 1837, as a joint stock company…However, by November 1837, KSS Failed and its business closed… (Like All Fiat (Paper) Currency They All Eventually Collapse)

A Right Cannot Be Licensed, Taxed or Registered

= Economic Laws of God = Kingdom of God...


History of Property Tax in Utah


1 - Born in Bondage

2 - Christ Set Us Free

3- False Brethren Take Away Christ Liberty


INIQUITY Oppress a Man and his House (Taxes), even a man and His Heritage (Taxes).”

“Woe to them that devise INIQUITY, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand. And they covet fields, and TAKE them by Violence; and Houses, and TAKE them away: so they Oppress a Man and his House (Taxes), even a man and His Heritage (Taxes).” Mosiah 13:11(b) INIQUITY LDS Footnote Micah 2:1-2

We have no real property rights.
Think about it.
That house you live in, the car you drive, the small (or not so small) acreage of land that has been passed down through your family or that you scrimped and saved to acquire, whatever money you manage to keep in your bank account after the government and its cronies have taken their first and second and third cut…none of it is safe from the government’s greedy grasp.
At no point do you ever have any real ownership in anything other than the clothes on your back.
Everything else can be seized by the government under one pretext or another (civil asset forfeiture, unpaid taxes, eminent domain, public interest, etc.).
This is not a government that respects the rights of its citizenry or the law. Rather, this is a government that sells its citizens to the highest bidder and speaks to them in a language of force...
After all, the American dream is about gaining sovereignty over one’s life and property.

Without this sovereignty – this unshakeable guarantee of ownership and dominion, even over one’s own life – there can be no true liberty or freedom. 

Are We Really Free? Maybe It's Time For A Personal Declaration Of Independence
  • You never own your home outright, even when the mortgage is paid off. Every year, you must make your extortion payment to the city or trust me, you won’t be living in that house for long.
  • The same thing with your car. If you don’t pay your annual extortion payment on your vehicle and pay a hundred bucks for a tiny sticker that gives you permission to drive it, it will be promptly towed away by the city with the government’s blessing. Then, like a hostage negotiation gone wrong, you’ll have to pay even more money to cover their theft and storage of YOUR vehicle.
  • On a regular basis, you must pay a fee and ask the government for permission to do any number of things, such as driving a car, traveling outside the country, running a business, adding another bathroom to your home, or even catching a fish for dinner.
  • Permits and licenses are big revenue generators from start to finish – and if you proceed without asking permission, they will extort more money from you in the form of fines. If you refuse to pay the fines (or if you can’t) they’ll kidnap you and lock you in a cage, where you’ll be forced to perform manual labor for 10 cents an hour for whatever length of time the legal authorities feel is sufficient to teach you a lesson.
  • There are places in our nation where you can’t use your property the way you want. There are areas where you cannot collect the water that falls on your land. There are places where you aren’t allowed to detach your home from the grid. There are places that dictate where your vegetable garden can grow (or even if you’re allowed to have one), places that won’t allow you to hang your clothes out to dry, and places that make it illegal to sleep in your car.
And it goes far beyond taxation…

Ron Paul - 'Many Americans Justifiably Fear Their Own Government'

BOOK OF MORMON: MORMON 8: "Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing... O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God?...

A Right Cannot Be Licensed, Taxed or Registered...
Or “AMEN TO THE PRIESTHOOD or AUTHORITY of that Man”... If you do NOT LEARN THIS ONE LESSON you will be with the many when God cleans out his church…

Acts 5:29 “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”

Jesus Christ is the GREATEST Patriot Tax Protester that ever walked the earth…








Today's Church = Yesterday Church = History Repeats...

14th Amendment Citizenship: Citizen or citizen?  BIG DIFFERENCE! See Supreme Court Cases of TWO Classesof Citizen / citizen:

‘Our economic system is designed to fail’ – Ron Paul
The current economic system is designed to fail, but so was socialism. That’s according to former GOP Congressman Ron Paul, who told RT’s Boom Bust show that we need to go toward a system of property ownership, voluntary contracts and individual liberty, while getting rid of central banks.

"The power to tax is the power to destroy."
 —John Marshall - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court



UTAH: Is your city, county raising property taxes? 40 are
Local property tax » Proposed boosts range from hundreds more to just a few dollars extra.
…"Taxpayers (SLAVES) approved a bond (BONDAGE).
They anticipated that when that bond was paid for, that they wouldn’t be paying that money again," he said. "Now it’s paid for, the school district is rather cynically saying, ‘We want to keep spending that money.’ "





IRS to Churches Obey
the Laws of Man...

IRS: Politics can jeopardize
 churches' tax-exempt status

Associated Press
- 6/2/2012 -- WASHINGTON - Pastors meeting in Washington have been warned about political activities that could jeopardize their churches' tax-exempt status.

IRS regional manager Peter Lorenzetti told the Faith Leaders Summit that prohibited activities include endorsing or opposing candidates, campaigning for them, or making contributions to their campaigns.

But pastors are free to do any of those things as private citizens, according to Congressman G.K. Butterfield. The North Carolina Democrat, a former judge, said, "You simply cannot do it in your capacity as the pastor of the church and give the implication that the church is endorsing the candidate."

Schumer to Religious Americans:
Pick One—Your Faith or Your Business
July 10, 2014 -- At a press conference Thursday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said people with religious beliefs who disagree with the Obamacare contraception mandate should be given a choice between living by their faith or being allowed to form a corporation to do business…
“You’re born with a religion or you adopt a religion.
You have to obey the precepts of that religion and the government gives you a wide penumbra –
you don’t have to form a corporation,” Schumer said.

Official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)…© 2014 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Pick One—Your Faith or Your Business
“You’re born with a religion or you adopt a religion.
You have to obey the precepts of that religion and the government gives you a wide penumbra –
you don’t have to form a corporation,” Schumer said.

Wisc. Pastor Gets Two-Year Sentence for Bible Preaching (Proverbs 13:24) Spanking      
01 June 2012 - Black Earth, Wisconsin, pastor Philip Caminiti, 55, has been sentenced to two years in prison for preaching a message that was not well-received by some members of the community. The message that landed Caminiti in prison is that parents should be spanking their children when they misbehave, even those as young as two months old, with wooden spoons and rods.
To be clear, Caminiti, pastor of Aleitheia Bible Church, was not accused of physically hurting anyone, or of spanking children himself; he simply preached a message that some found disagreeable...

While on the stand in his own defense,
Caminiti pointed out, “Proverbs 13:24 says, and here’s the strong language,
"He who spares his rod hates his son."


"Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society."  – Aristotle

 (D&C 26:And all things shall be done by common consent in the church)...



THE BOTTOM LINE:  SATAN KINGDOM IS FORCE ALL  VS. Gods Kingdom is Voluntary System = Freedom

Liberty definition:

  1. freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or

2. freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.

3. freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice.

4. freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint.

5. permission granted to a sailor, especially in the navy, to go ashore.

Freedom definition:

1. the state of being
free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.

2. exemption from external
control, interference, regulation, etc.

3. the power to determine action without restraint.

4. political or national independence.

5. personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery.




What is the meaning of a Gold standard
and a redeemable currency?  It represents integrity.  It insures the people’s control over the government’s use of the public purse.  It is the best guarantee against the socialization of a nation.  It enables a people to keep the government and banks in check.  It prevents currency expansion from getting ever farther out of bounds until it becomes worthless.  It tends to force standards of honesty on government and bank officials.  It is the symbol of a free society and an honorable government.  It is a necessary prerequisite to economic health.  It is the first economic bulwark of free men." 
 - Walter E. Spahr, Professor of Economics at New York University

My last two columns which stated that my line in the sand has been drawn and I will NOT register or surrender my firearms, even if that makes me a lawbreaker (in the sight of government), have generated multiplied thousands of reader responses. And while the vast majority of these responses expressed complete agreement, there were several responses from professing Christians telling me that I was in violation of Holy Scripture for making such a stand.
As one might expect, some of my brethren argued the erroneous “obey-the-government-no-matter-what” interpretation of Romans 13. For the sake of the many new readers of this column, let me point out that my son, constitutional Christian attorney Timothy Baldwin, and I have co-written
           a pivotal book dealing with this fallacious interpretation of Romans 13 in a book entitled
                                         “Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission.”
 This book takes the entire Word of God to show that nowhere does the Bible teach (including in Romans 13) that Christians should submit to unlawful government. In fact, just the opposite is taught: Christians often have a duty to RESIST unlawful government.

But perhaps the verse of Scripture that my slightly confused brethren quoted most in their attempt to rebuke me was Matthew 26:52, “Then said Jesus unto him [Simon Peter], Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” (KJV) This, they said, proves that Christians have no right to keep and bear arms if the government said it was illegal to do so. However, with all due respect, this interpretation is opposed to the overwhelming evidence of Scripture to the contrary.
In the first place, consider what Jesus said just a few moments before making this statement. Just before arriving in the Garden of Gethsemane (where the statement was made to Peter to “put up thy sword”), Jesus told his disciples, “But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36 KJV)
After hearing Jesus’ command, the disciples replied, “Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.” (Luke 22:38 KJV)
Notice that Jesus plainly and emphatically told Simon Peter and the others to arm themselves. So emphatic was Jesus’ command that He told them if they could not afford to purchase a sword they were instructed to sell their clothes if necessary and buy one.
After hearing Jesus’ command to arm themselves, the disciples noted that already two of the disciples were carrying arms. Jesus’ response, “It is enough,” did not mean that only two swords (out of eleven men–Judas Iscariot had already left to betray Christ) was sufficient, for He had plainly commanded EACH MAN to arm himself. He was simply acknowledging that they clearly understood what He had just told them.
Ladies and gentlemen, the First Century Roman sword was the most efficient and lethal personal defense weapon in the world at the time. It is no hyperbole or injustice to language to say that the Roman sword was the First Century equivalent to a modern AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. It was designed to kill swiftly and efficiently. And Jesus commanded His disciples to buy and carry one!
Also note that the same word “sword” that is used in this passage is the same word that is used in Romans 13:4, “He (government) beareth not the sword in vain.” In other words, Jesus told His disciples to carry the same-type weapon that government soldiers were carrying at the time.
After this exchange, Jesus and His disciples walked to the Garden of Gethsemane where the events of Peter and the sword took place.
Simon Peter had already told Jesus that he was willing to die for him (yes, Jesus rightly predicted his denial, knowing how Simon would react to the events that unfolded in the garden), and when the armed soldiers from the High Priest (tantamount to the President’s Secret Service officers today) came to arrest Jesus, Simon Peter drew his sword in defense of his Master. He intended to cut off the soldier’s head, but the man ducked, and Simon cleanly sliced off his ear.
Notice that Jesus did not rebuke or chastise Simon. Remember when He sternly told Simon, “Get thee behind me, Satan”? No such rebuke is found here. And notice, too, that He did not tell Simon to “GIVE UP thy sword.” He said “PUT UP again thy sword into his place,” meaning into its scabbard. He fully expected Simon to retain possession of his sword.
It is also noteworthy that as Jesus was being arrested, the power of His voice totally overwhelmed the soldiers, which caused all of them to sway backward and fall to the ground. (John 18:6) This accomplished a couple of things: it caused every soldier in that garden to fully understand that theirs was not the preeminent power present. It also allowed His eleven disciples to leave unscathed TAKING THEIR WEAPONS WITH THEM, as the soldiers were either totally distracted by the surprise of what had just happened to them, or they were totally disinterested in attempting to disarm the disciples after this incredible demonstration of power against them.
But as Jesus had come to this earth to give Himself a ransom for sinful men, which meant that His betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion were all a part of God’s sovereign plan for His only begotten Son, Simon’s armed defense of Christ was not necessary. Jesus calmly reminded Simon of the legions of angels that were available for His defense, should He call on them. Then Jesus gave Simon the assurance that “all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”
And despite what you’ve heard so many preachers say regarding this verse, this was not a WARNING to Simon Peter; it was a PROMISE to Simon Peter.
What Jesus was doing was assuring Simon Peter that the tyrannical Roman and Jewish forces that were now using the sword against Him would one day themselves be destroyed by the sword, but that it would not be Simon’s sword that would be the one to do this. In other words, Jesus was stating a divine principle that tyrants and despots who unjustly rule with the power of the sword would one day be brought to the judgment of the sword.
Jesus’ statement had nothing to do with Christians disarming themselves in the face of tyrants; it had everything to do with God’s pronouncement of judgment upon tyrants who force their will on people by the power of the sword. He was saying, “Those who ruthlessly rule and govern by the sword will be brought to justice by the sword.” THAT is what Jesus said.
Did Jesus’ promise come true? You bet it did. A few years later, the Jewish nation was destroyed by the Roman sword; and a few years after that, the Roman nation was destroyed by the sword of the Goths, et al.
This promise to tyrants is repeated by the Apostle John in Revelation 13:10. Here Jesus inspired John to write, “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”
The context of Revelation 13:10 is unmistakable: those who put men into captivity by force shall themselves be put into captivity by force; those who kill with the sword shall themselves be killed with the sword. John then adds: “Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” In other words, the victimized, terrorized saints can take comfort in the fact that God will send His judgment to the oppressors in the like manner in which they oppressed others.
What John said in Revelation 13:10 was a repeat of what He had heard Jesus say in Matthew 26:52. Jesus telling Peter to put up his sword has absolutely nothing to do with Christians willingly surrendering their arms to an oppressive government. Instead, it is a promise to oppressors that if you live and rule by the sword, you will die by the sword!
And since Jesus had commanded them to do so, we can assume that His disciples carried their own personal arms for the rest of their lives. Yes, yes, I realize that the disciples allowed themselves to be martyred for their faith. They CHOSE to not “accept deliverance,” (Hebrews 11:35) as did the famed missionary, Jim Elliott, who was armed at the time of his death, and, therefore, was fully capable of defending himself against the savages that attacked him, but CHOSE to not defend himself, and thereby accepted the martyr’s death. But these examples have nothing to do with the divine principle of lawful self-defense, which Jesus duly recognized in His instructions to His disciples.
Pray tell, how did Gideon deliver God’s people from their oppressors? By “the sword of the Lord and of Gideon.” How did Samson throw off the tyrants of his people? How did Barak and Jephthah defeat Israel’s enemies? By the sword! And note that each of these deliverers were commissioned and empowered by God to use the sword to destroy those tyrants that had ruled by the power of the sword. This was God’s promised judgment on oppressors for thousands of years before Jesus uttered this eternal truism in the Garden of Gethsemane.
The Second Amendment guarantee that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” is as much a sacred right as it is an American right. The principle of armed self-defense is rooted in both Natural and Revealed Law. That Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein want to strip the American people of this right should be met with the most vociferous resistance, and that includes FROM CHRISTIANS!
Yet, all across America, pastors and Christians seem to be willing to sheepishly surrender their Second Amendment rights. Some are no doubt sincere; they are only reacting as their Christian mentors and leaders have told them is right to do. Others are no doubt using Scripture as a covering for their own cowardice.
But for those Christians who seek truth and genuinely desire to know how they should respond to this current attack against our Second Amendment liberties, my son, Tim, and I are in the process of producing a brand new book entitled “To Keep Or Not To Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns.” This book is designed to equip Christians with the scriptural tools and knowledge they will need to make wise decisions about the defense of their family. We are working hard to have this book ready for release by early spring.
Readers may pre-order this brand new book NOW and thus be assured of obtaining the very first copies of what is sure to be a blockbuster book. To order, go to:
Keep Your Arms
And please remember that the book should be available by early spring.
I say once again: regardless of what laws are passed or not passed, I refuse to register or surrender my firearms–even if doing so makes me an outlaw. But as several readers pointed out to me: in such a scenario, I am not the outlaw; the ones who would try to disarm me are the outlaws. As I would not submit to a law that demanded that I surrender my spiritual sword (the Bible), neither will I submit to a law that demands that I surrender my physical sword (my firearms).
What Simon Peter told the Jewish leaders in Acts 5, after being ordered to surrender his preaching of truth, applies to any order of men that violates God’s eternal law–including the right of the people (including Christian people) to keep and bear arms:
“We ought to obey God rather than men.” And so we ought!


SALT LAKE TRIBUNE – 10/18/2018
The poorest 20 percent of Utah households — which earn less than $23,000 a year — pay 7.53 percent of their income for taxes. The top 1 percent pay 6.68 percent…Utah has the 40th most unfair state and local tax system in the country, and that incomes are more unequal in Utah after state and local taxes are collected than before.

 Highway patrol Gave Feds Weapon Permits Data
Columbia Daily Tribune - April 11, 2013 -
 The Missouri State Highway Patrol has twice turned over the entire list of Missouri concealed weapon permit holders to federal authorities.




 "Be Watchful, Stand Firm in the faith, Act Like Men, be Strong"
1 Corinthians 16:13

Protect Your Property with a Homestead Declaration
Sounds simple? Actually, it is.  This is how I did it in Montana for my property.  I went to a place that specializes in legal forms, and purchased my “Homestead Declaration” form for $9.00.  Then I filled it out in the County Courthouse.  The clerks helped me with it, as it is required to identify the property both by address and by the plat number they have in the courthouse.  You need to bring ID with you and any other persons who are on the actual deed to the property, as the document is notarized.  The fee to file here is $16.00 and it is done. Here I was able to go directly across the hall, pay the fee, and obtain for 50 cents a copy of the document and a filing number.  The original is then filed, later registered, and in about a week or two they send you the original in the mail with the county seal on it.  There it is!  A done deal!
Let me tell you what this document does and how it protects you.  As mentioned, it is a Constitutionally-protected law, as the states that do this enact it on their own…a power reserved to the states.  In the grand scheme of things: to a certain assessed dollar value, they are not allowed to take your home.  For us here in Montana, that amount is $250,000, and rest assured, my home is much less than that figure. 
“Homestead rights don’t exist under common law, but they have been enacted in at least 27 states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. If you own, and live on, property in any of these states, you should definitely take the time to file this important document.”

UTAH is a 14th Amendment State
(Utah Constitution is the Mormons DEATH CERTIFICATE)...

Corporations are people — cities, too
Salt Lake Tribune - Oct 09 2014
Utah law » The code says cities, organized as municipal corporations, can claim personhood and legal rights.
No one contested the point.
Even an attorney representing a grass-roots group trying to pry open the confidential "draft document" conceded that part of the city’s claim.
"I know the city has relied on the idea that a city can be considered a person and we don’t dispute that," said Jon Call, attorney for residents seeking to block potential development of the Mulligans Golf and Games resort.
Members of the Records Committee didn’t disagree either — for good reason.
Utah’s open-records law, the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA), specifically defines "person" as an individual, a corporation or any other type of business organization.
That’s not the only state law using that classification.
A corporation, association, business trust or other organization is defined as a person in Utah Code dealing with commerce and trade.
South Jordan cited Utah’s GRAMA law in advancing its city-as-a-person argument because, like most cities, it’s organized as a municipal corporation.
South Jordan attorneys also brought up Supreme Court rulings in Citizens United v. FEC and Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores to bolster their case, citing those decisions as recognitions of a corporation’s constitutional rights of free speech (with the ability to make unlimited independent expenditures on political campaigns) and religious liberty (with the right not to have to provide contraceptive insurance to employees).

TIMELINE: How The Republic Died ... Benjamin Franklin: You have a Republic if you can keep it.

GO TO NEXT PAGE CLICK ON: Older Post (Located Just above this line)



ALL EVERYONE IS IN APOSTASY ... The World Ignores the First and Great Commandment ... Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge... Jesus Christ on Judgement ...

LDS New Symbol to Identify Church (Communism) ... Look what Happened to Angel Moroni ...

When did America Become Babylon USA -- Timeline ...

LDS Church Hid $100 Billion - PROPHET: "It's EASY to LEAD the LDS people ASTRAY"


USA after WW3 - ZION = KING JESUS CHRIST & Coming House Cleaning ...


TWO Churches (priesthood's) ONLY ... Don't Know ... you are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge ...

BYU Transgender & LDS Temple Recommend Holder ...

LDS President Nelson meets with the Communist ...



God Does NOT Live in a Bubble ... You Reap what You Sow ...


LDS PRESIDENT NELSON ALL PAST LDS PRESIDENTS ARE ALL WRONG - Nicknames for faith are 'Victory for Satan'

Joseph Smith Killed by his 1st Counselor ...

Joseph Smith: Is God a White Supremacists?


(LUKEWARM) Mormon church weighs in on Obama’s transgender guidance...LDS Church isn't coming out directly in support of — or against transgender guidance

Mormon leaders to Oregon militia: Your religion isn’t with you...

"NOT COMMANDED IN ALL THINGS" by Ezra Taft Benson General Conference – April 1965 ....

Most CHRISTIANS Do Not Believe in the Devil...

Seer Stone or Urim and Thummim

Babylonian 8 pointed Star of Ishtar is all over the LDS Payson Temple

Book of Mormon Warning For Our Day - 61 points about Secret Combinations:

The Evil Federal Reserve to Honor LDS Marriner Eccles New Deal...

LDS GAY Pro same-sex marriage ad... "Silence is Consent" LDS Church...

God's love is Conditional: God's, Indignation of; Indignation; Provoking; Rage; Wrath etc...

Received NOT the TRUTH God shall send a strong delusion that you should believe a LIE...World Hates Jesus...

Reject Words of Jesus: Better if you was NOT BORN...

LDS Church does NOT consider Same-Sex Attraction a SIN...(God Does) Definition of Homosexuality...The SIN of FEELINGS...

D&C SECTION 1: LDS Apostasy is Foretold in 1831...“Apostasy and wickedness precede the Second Coming”...

Last Days: Jesus and His People are called Terrorist, Why Because it is prophesied...

Dead Sea Scrolls Reference Alma in the Book of Mormon...

Money is the Power of Babylon...President Monson Dedicates the Private Federal Reserve Zions Bank

You Cannot Know God Without Knowing the Devil...


Kingdom of God is Land Ownership...

LDS Church Official Statement on Homosexuality (Must Read)

TITHING: Joseph Smith 1838 Tithing vs. Lorenzo Snow 1899 Tithing

LDS Deacons & Teachers are FORBIDDEN to Administer the Sacrament: D&C 20:58

Wheat vs. Tares the separation must therefore wait until the harvest.


The Church is True! - Which Church?

Ezra Taft Benson Last Talk: A Secret Combination Controls America & Entire World... Many are Called Few are Chosen. WHY? (D&C 95:5-6) LDS are Walking in Darkness at Noon-day...

LDS Church Changed The President of the Church to Prophet in 1955

Defend your families even unto Bloodshed... Gun Control is Anti-Christ... Jesus COMMANDED HIS DISCIPLES TO BREAK THE LAW AND BUY A SWORD!

LDS: Jesus Born on April 11th - Jesus Crucified on April 6th

Witchcraft Filmed at LDS CHURCH OWNED BYU...Harry Potter is a Counterfeit Enemy of Jesus Christ.

A TRUE Prophet would NOT need the services of Mark Hofmann.

BIG Issue before 911-2001 Embryo Research Separates LDS

Bible: Church Leaders Conspired to Kill Jesus and they did...Jesus spoke against the Church Leaders...

The APOSTASY CYCLE...The Wicked taketh the TRUTH to be HARD and the Dire Need of Valiant Men of God...

Jesus Christ Warned that in the Last Days there would be Race Wars...

Can the Prophet be EXCOMMUNICATED? (D&C 107:82-84)

Joseph Smith: The 4 Grand Crafts that uphold Satan's Kingdom, Doctorcraft, Lawyercraft, Politics & Religion...

Interfaith: LDS Church Recommends Holding Membership in Two Churches

Much Wisdom is Much Grief: and he that Increaseth Knowledge Increaseth Sorrow. Ecclesiastes 1:18

There is a test, a Test, a TEST coming…


I The LORD give unto you a COMMANDMENT to be a Watchman

911 Satan's World... “The moment we revolt at anything which comes from God, the devil takes power.”


A Right Cannot Be Licensed, Taxed or Registered...

Interfaith is the goal of the New World Order

LDS owned BYU promotion OF COMMUNISM Karl Marx Teaching...


LDS Apostle Maxwell CIA Agent, Lies, Gambling & Money...Mormons Largest Bar in the West...LDS City Creek


BYU NEWSPAPER PHOTO CAPTION OF 12 LDS "APOSTATES" & The LDS CHURCH “Fully Understands” China’s One Child Policy...


Mormon Glenn Beck says "We Are All Catholics Now..."My people are DESTROYED for LACK of KNOWLEDGE


Gardens of Babylon Mirrors LDS Conference Center..."For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples"




Effeminate shall NOT inherit the Kingdom of God...

U.S. Congress 1st act was to Destroy the First Amendment...

LDS LUKEWARM DVD from the Teachings of Joseph Smith (TPJS)

Brigham Young: If a man is called to be a Prophet...


Brain Dead Zombies



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"I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery!"